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Yuli Sun Hariyani

Yuli Sun Hariyani  is a current PhD student in Computer Engineering Department at Kwangwoon University, South Korea. She received her BS and MS degree from Telkom University, Indonesia. Her research interest include image procesing and biomedical image processing.


A Spiking Neural Network of Digit Classification Using Prior Probability as Supervised Learning Model Representative

U Sunarya, Y Hariyani, D Sim, C. Park, "A Spiking Neural Network of Digit Classification Using Prior Probability as Supervised Learning Model Representative", 한국통신학회, Jan. 23-25th 2019, 평창

Automated Capillary Image Segmentation using Deep Learning

Byeon-Ghwi Kim, Yuli Sun Hariyani, Cheolsoo Park, Ubiquitous Healthcare 2018 in Kyoto, International Science Innovation Building, Kyoto University, Dec. 11th -13th, 2018.

Nailfold Capillary Segmentation using Deep Learning

Yuli Sun Hariyani, C. Park*, "Nailfold Capillary Segmentation using Deep Learning", SMIT2018-IBEC2018 Joint Conference in Grand Walkerhill Hotel, Seoul, Korea, November 8-10th, 2018

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Journal Articles

Yuli Sun Hariyani, Heesang Eom, Cheolsoo  Park, "DA-CapNet: Dual Attention Deep Learning based on U-Net for Nailfold Capillary Segmentation", in IEEE Accessvol. 8, pp. 10543-10553, 2020. SCIE

Internet of Things: Low Cost and Wearable SpO2 Device for Health Monitoring

RR Adiputra, S Hadiyoso, YS Hariyani. Internet of Things: Low Cost and Wearable SpO2 Device for Health Monitoring. International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering  Vol. 8, Issue. 2,  (Apr 2018): 939-945.

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