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Arrhythmia Classification Using 1D-2D Conversion

S. Baek, S. Han, J. Lee, W. Lee, C. Park, "Arrhythmia Classification Using 1D-2D Conversion", u-Healthcare 2019, Dec 2019, Kookmin University

Three Classification Classes of Gait Type Using Step Segmentation

Unang Sunarya, Yuli Sun Hariyani, Taeheum Cho, Suwhan Baek, Sayup Kim, Jongryun Roh, Choelsoo Park, "Three Classification Classes of Gait Type Using Step Segmentation", u-Healthcare 2019, Dec 2019, Kookmin University

Blood Pressure Estimation Using Deep Learning based on Attention Mechanism

Heesang Eom, Dongseok Lee, Seungwoo Han, Kwangsuk Park and Cheolsoo Park, "Blood Pressure Estimation Using Deep Learning based on Attention Mechanism", u-Healthcare 2019, Dec 2019, Kookmin Universit

Reinforcement Learning Personal Authentication System Using ECG Feature

Juhyeong Kim, Taehum Cho, Woojun Seok, Cheolsoo Park, "Reinforcement Learning Personal Authentication System Using ECG Feature", u-Healthcare 2019, Dec 2019, Kookmin University

Attention 메커니즘을 활용한 CNN-BiGRU 기반 수축기 혈압 추정

엄희상, 한승우, 이동석, 박광석, 박철수, "Attention 메커니즘을 활용한 CNN-BiGRU 기반 수축기 혈압 추정", KOSOMBE, Nov 7-9 2019, Inchon

End-to-End 딥러닝 기반 부정맥 분류 연구

Seungwoo Han, Heesang Eom, Cheolsoo Park, "End-to-End 딥러닝 기반 부정맥 분류 연구", KOSOMBE, Nov 7-9 2019, Inchon

Unsupervised MNIST data classification using spiking neural network

WG.Lee , WJ.Seok, C.Park, "Unsupervised MNIST data classification using spiking neural network ", KOSOMBE, Nov 7-9 2019, Inchon

심전도 특징을 이용한 강화학습 개인 인증 시스템

Joohyung Kim, Taeheum Cho , Woojun Seok, and Choelsoo Park, "심전도 특징을 이용한 강화학습 개인 인증 시스템", KOSOMBE, Nov 7-9 2019, Inchon

Gait Type Classification Using Support Vector Classification

Unang Sunarya, Yuli Sun Hariyani, Taeheum Cho , Yu Hyun Soo, Sayup Kim , Jongryun Roh  and Choelsoo Park, "Gait Type Classification Using Support Vector Classification", KOSOMBE, Nov 7-9 2019, Inchon

머신러닝을 이용한 이상보행 검출

백수환, 노종련, 김사엽, 박철수, "머신러닝을 이용한 이상보행 검출", 신호처리합동학술대회, 대전, 2019.09

Blood Pressure Estimation Based on Convolutional Neural Network using ECG, PPG and BCG

​​H. Eom, S. Han, D. Lee, K. Park and C. Park, "Blood Pressure Estimation Based on Convolutional Neural Network using ECG, PPG and BCG", International Engineering in Medicine and Biology Conference, Berlin, Germany, 2019 07

Data-Driven End-to-End Deep Learning Architecture for Long-Term Blood Pressure Estimation

​H. Eom, S. Han, K. Park and C. Park, "Data-Driven End-to-End Deep Learning Architecture for Long-Term Blood Pressure Estimation", International Engineering in Medicine and Biology Conference, Berlin, Germany, 2019 07

동작상상 태스크 수행 분류를 위한 강화학습기반 최적의 주성분 추출

조태흠, 석우준, 박철수, "동작상상 태스크 수행 분류를 위한 강화학습기반 최적의 주성분 추출", 대한의용생체공학회 춘계학술대회, 여수, 2019.05

심전도, 맥파 및 심탄도를 이용한 딥러닝 기반 혈압 추정

엄희상, 한승우, 박광석, 이동석, 박철수, "심전도, 맥파 및 심탄도를 이용한 딥러닝 기반 혈압 추정", 대한의용생체공학회 춘계학술대회, 여수, 2019.05

심전도와 맥파를 이용한 강화학습 기반 혈압 추정 알고리즘

​​한승우, 엄희상, 조태흠, 박광석, 박철수, "심전도와 맥파를 이용한 강화학습 기반 혈압 추정 알고리즘", 대한의용생체공학회 춘계학술대회, 여수, 2019.05

YU-NET: An Improved Deep Learning method for Nailfold Capillary Segmentation

​Yuli Sun Hariyani, 엄희상, 박철수, "YU-NET: An Improved Deep Learning method for Nailfold Capillary Segmentation",  대한의용생체공학회 춘계학술대회, 여수, 2019.05

A Spiking Neural Network of Digit Classification Using Prior Probability as Supervised Learning Model Representative

U Sunarya, Y Hariyani, D Sim, C. Park, "A Spiking Neural Network of Digit Classification Using Prior Probability as Supervised Learning Model Representative", 한국통신학회, Jan. 23-25th 2019, 평창

심전도와 맥파를 이용한 딥러닝 기반 실시간 혈압 추정 연구

한승우, 엄희상, 박광석, 이동석, 박철수, "심전도와 맥파를 이용한 딥러닝 기반 실시간 혈압 추정 연구", 한국통신학회 동계종합학술발표회, 평창, 2019.01

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Automated Capillary Image Segmentation using Deep Learning

Byeon-Ghwi Kim, Yuli Sun Hariyani, Cheolsoo Park, "Automated Capillary Image Segmentation using Deep Learning", Ubiquitous Healthcare 2018 in Kyoto, International Science Innovation Building, Kyoto University, Dec. 11th -13th, 2018.

Deep CNN-RNN for Motor Imagery Classification

H. Lee, C.Park, “Deep CNN-RNN for Motor Imagery Classification”, Ubiquitous Healthcare 2018 in Kyoto, International Science Innovation Building, Kyoto University, Dec. 11th -13th, 2018

Drowsiness Monitoring using Deep Reinforcement learning

W. Seok, C.Park, “Drowsiness Monitoring using Deep Reinforcement learning”, Ubiquitous Healthcare 2018 in Kyoto, International Science Innovation Building, Kyoto University, Dec. 11th -13th, 2018

Classification of Motor Imagery Tasks Through Optimal Principal Components Selected Using Reinforcement Learning

T. Cho, C. Park, "Classification of Motor Imagery Tasks Through Optimal Principal Components Selected Using Reinforcement Learning", Ubiquitous Healthcare 2018 in Kyoto, International Science Innovation Building, Kyoto University, Dec. 11th -13th, 2018

Recurrent Neural Network with EEG Spectrogram for Motor Imaginary Classification

H. Lee, and C. Park*  "Recurrent Neural Network with EEG Spectrogram for Motor Imaginary Classification", SMIT2018-IBEC2018 Joint Conference in Grand Walkerhill Hotel, Seoul, Korea, November 8-10th, 2018

Nailfold Capillary Segmentation using Deep Learning

Yuli Sun Hariyani, C. Park*, "Nailfold Capillary Segmentation using Deep Learning", SMIT2018-IBEC2018 Joint Conference in Grand Walkerhill Hotel, Seoul, Korea, November 8-10th, 2018

Multimodal Drowsiness Detection Method Using Deep Reinforcement Learning

W. Seok, M. Yeo, C. Park*, "Multimodal Drowsiness Detection Method Using Deep Reinforcement Learning", SMIT2018-IBEC2018 Joint Conference in Grand Walkerhill Hotel, Seoul, Korea, November 8-10th, 2018

딥러닝 뇌파 분석을 통한 멀티미디어 강의 시청 집중도 분류

H Lee, C Park, "딥러닝 뇌파 분석을 통한 멀티미디어 강의 시청 집중도 분류", 대한의용생체공학회 춘계학술대회, 충주, 2018.05.

손목 가속도 센서와 머신러닝 알고리즘을 이용한 자동 수면 패턴 분류

​M Yeo, Y Koo, C Park, "손목 가속도 센서와 머신러닝 알고리즘을 이용한 자동 수면 패턴 분류", 2018 대한의용생체공학회 춘계학술대회, 충주, 2018.05.

Pattern Recognition of Human Arm Movement Using Deep Reinforcement Learning

W. Seok, C.Park,"Pattern Recognition of Human Arm Movement Using Deep Reinforcement Learning",  ICOIN, Chiang Mai, Thailand, January 10-12, 2018

Classification of Human Attention to Multimedia Lecture

H. Lee, Y. Kim, C. Park,"Classification of Human Attention to Multimedia Lecture", ICOIN(International Conference on Information Networking),  Chiang Mai, Thailand, 2018

Flow-based Malware Detection Using Convolutional Neural Network

M. Yeo, Y. Koo, Y. Yoon, T. Hwang, J. Ryu, J. Song, C. Park, “Flow-based Malware Detection Using Convolutional Neural Network”, The 32nd International ICOIN (Conference on Information Networking), Thailand, Chiang Mai, 2018

A novel method to monitor human stress states using ultra-short-term ECG spectral feature

B Hwang, J Ryu, C Park, B Zhang, "A novel method to monitor human stress states using ultra-short-term ECG spectral feature", Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), IEEE 2017

Correlation Between Empathy and Experience in Human Emotion from EEG Signal

H. Lee, B.S Hwang, Y. Kim, C. Park, "Correlation Between Empathy and Experience in Human Emotion from EEG Signal", U-healthcare, Seoul, Korea, 2017

멀티미디어 강의 중 집중력이 뇌파에 미치는 영향

이희준, 김종훈, 정민우, 이 진, 임영범, 박철수, "멀티미디어 강의 중 집중력이 뇌파에 미치는 영향", KOSOMBE(Korea Society of Medical & Biological Engineering), Jeonju, Korea, 2017

Convolutional Neural Network을 이용한 IOT기기의 주관적 수면데이터의 패턴 분석

여민수, 구용서, 박철수, "Convolutional Neural Network을 이용한 IOT기기의 주관적 수면데이터의 패턴 분석", KOSOMBE(Korea Society of Medical & Biological Engineering), Jeonju, Korea, 2017

강화학습 알고리즘을 통한 팔 동작 패턴 인식

석우준, 박철수, "강화학습 알고리즘을 통한 팔 동작 패턴 인식", KOSOMBE(Korea Society of Medical & Biological Engineering), Jeonju, Korea, 2017

Automated Sleep Scoring Using Accelerometer Data from a Wrist Band(2017)

M. Yeo and Choelsoo Park, "Automated Sleep Scoring Using Accelerometer Data from a Wrist Band", KCS (Korean Conference on Semiconductors), Gangwondo, Korea, 2017

An Accurate Real-time ECG/PPG Peak Detection Using Viterbi Algorithm(2017)

YJiwoo Ryu and Choelsoo Park, "An Accurate Real-time ECG/PPG Peak Detection Using Viterbi Algorithm", KCS (Korean Conference on Semiconductors), Gangwondo, Korea, 2017

Feature Extraction Using Correlation Preserving Transform Based on Complex Common Spatial Patterns(2017)

Y. Kim and C. Park, "Feature Extraction Using Correlation Preserving Transform Based on Complex Common Spatial Patterns", KCS (Korean Conference on Semiconductors), Gangwondo, Korea, 2017

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낮잠 중 청각 자극을 통한 운동 기억력 고착화에 관한 연구(2016)

김영주, 박철수, "낮잠 중 청각 자극을 통한 운동 기억력 고착화에 관한 연구" 2016융합스마트클라우드컴퓨팅학술대회, Seoul, Korea, 2016

Effects of visual and auditory delta band stimuli on sleep(2016)

H. Lee, M. S. Yeo, Y. Kim, C. Park, et al., "Effects of visual and auditory delta band stimuli on sleep" IBEC (International Biomedical Engineering Conference), Seoul, Korea, 2016

Automated Sleep Scoring Using Accelerometer Data from a Wrist Band(2016)

M. Yeo, J. Ryu, Y. Koo, C. Park, et al., "Automated Sleep Scoring Using Accelerometer Data from a Wrist Band" IBEC (International Biomedical Engineering Conference), Seoul, Korea, 2016

Stress Measurement Using the Accelerometer(2016)

Y. Kim, J. Ryu, C. Park, et al., "Stress Measurement Using the Accelerometer" IBEC (International Biomedical Engineering Conference), Seoul, Korea, 2016

ECG-based Drowsiness level detection using Hidden Markov Model(2016)

J. Ryu, Y. Kim, C. Park, et al., "ECG-based Drowsiness level detection using Hidden Markov Model," IBEC (International Biomedical Engineering Conference), Seoul, Korea, 2016

A Comparison of Machine Learning Algorithms for EEG-based Emotion Recognition(2015)

J. Ryu, C. Park, "A Comparison of Machine Learning Algorithms for EEG-based Emotion Recognition," u-Healthcare, Osaka, Japan, 2015

Motor Imagery EEG Classification Using Correlation Preserving Complex Common Spatial Patterns Algorithm(2015)

Y. Kim, C. Park, "Motor Imagery EEG Classification Using Correlation Preserving Complex Common Spatial Patterns Algorithm," u-Healthcare, Osaka, Japan, 2015

기계학습을 이용한 운동 심상 뇌전도의 분류(2015)

김영주, 박철수 추계전자공학회

기계학습 알고리즘을 이용한 뇌전도기반 감정 분류(2015)

류지우, 박철수 추계전자공학회

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A tutorial on empirical mode decomposition in brain research

C Park, "A tutorial on empirical mode decomposition in brain research", Consumer Electronics (ISCE 2014)

Epidermal Electronic System for Unobtrusive Sleep Monitoring(2014)

C. Park, V. Vijayan, S. Kim, J. Onton and T. Coleman, “Epidermal Electronic System for Unobtrusive Sleep Monitoring” IBEC 2014, Gwangju, Korea, 2014

Classification of Motor Imagery EEG using Strong Uncorrelated Transform Complex Common Spatial Patterns(2014)

Y. Kim, J. Ryu and C. Park, “Classification of Motor Imagery EEG using Strong Uncorrelated Transform Complex Common Spatial Patterns” IBEC 2014, Gwangju, Korea, 2014

Classification of Term and Preterm Labor Using Multivariate Empirical Mode Decomposition of EHG Signal(2014)

J. Ryu, Y. Kim and C. Park, “Classification of Term and Preterm Labor Using Multivariate Empirical Mode Decomposition of EHG Signal” IBEC 2014, Gwangju, Korea, 2014

Probabilistic sleep staging algorithms for unobtrusive sleep monitoring with epidermal electronic system(2014)

V. Vijayan, C. Park, S. Kim, J. Onton, T. Coleman, “Probabilistic sleep staging algorithms for unobtrusive sleep monitoring with epidermal electronic system” UCSD Research Expo 2014, San Diego, USA, 2014

Analysis of EEG responses during rapid pointing under risk and uncertainty(2012)

C. Park, M. Plank, J. Snider, S. Kim, H. C. Huang, S. A. Hillyard, T. Coleman and H. Poizner, “Analysis of EEG responses during rapid pointing under risk and uncertainty” SfN 2012, New Orleans, USA, 2012

Phase-based brain consciousness analysis(2012)

L. Li, D. Looney, C. Park, T. Tanaka, J. Cao and D. P. Mandic, “Phase-based brain consciousness analysis” The 34th Annual International Conference of the IEEE EMBS, San Diego, USA, 2012

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Estimating Human Response to Taste using EEG(2011)

 C. Park, D. Looney and D. Mandic, “Estimating Human Response to Taste using EEG” The 33th Annual International Conference of the IEEE EMBS, Boston, USA, 2011

Power Independent EMG based Gesture Recognition for Robotics(2011)

 L. Li, D. Looney, C. Park and D. Mandic, “Power Independent EMG based Gesture Recognition for Robotics” The 33th Annual International Conference of the IEEE EMBS, Boston, USA, 2011

Time-Frequency Analysis of EEG Asymmetry using Bivariate Empirical Mode Decomposition(2011)

 C. Park, J. M. Choi, K. S. Park, “Urine Analysis on Diluted Situation using Low-Resolution Raman Spectroscope” The 27th Annual International Conference of the IEEE EMBS, Shanghai, China, 2005

A Yarbus-Style Experiment to Determine Auditory Attention(2010)

P. Kidmose, M.L. Rank, M. Ungstrup, D. Looney, C. Park and D.P. Mandic, “A Yarbus-Style Experiment to Determine Auditory Attention” The 32th Annual International Conference of the IEEE EMBS, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2010

 D. Looney, C. Park, Y. Xia, P. Kidmose, M. Ungstrup and D.P. Mandic, “Towards Estimating Selective Auditory Attention From EEG Using A Novel Time-Frequency-Synchronisation Framework” IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence, Barcelona, Spain, 2010

Measuring Phase Synchrony using Complex Extensions of EMD(2009)

D. Looney, C. Park, P. Kidmose, M. Ungstrup and D.P. Mandic, “Measuring Phase Synchrony using Complex Extensions of EMD” IEEE Statistical Signal Processing Symposium, Cardiff, Wales, UK, 2009

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Development of PD Pattern Recognition in Extra High Voltage Cable(2007)

C. Park, C. S. Kim, J. Y. Kim, “Development of PD Pattern Recognition in Extra High Voltage Cable” High Voltage and Discharge Application Technologies Research Association Spring Conference, Daejun, Korea, 2007

Urine Analysis in Diluted Situation Using Low-Resolution Raman Spectroscope

C Park, J Choi, K Park, "Urine analysis in diluted situation using low-resolution Raman spectroscope", Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, April 2006

Urine Analysis in a Toilet Bowl Using Raman Spectroscopy(2005)

C. Park, J. M. Choi, K. S. Park, “Urine Analysis in a Toilet Bowl Using Raman Spectroscopy” The 6th Asia Pacific Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering, Tsukuba, Japan, 2005

Unconstrained behavioral monitoring system at home(2005)

 J. M. Choi, J. S. Kim, J. W. Park, C. Park, H. S. Jeon, R. H. Sohn, M. S. Ryu, K. S. Park, “Unconstrained behavioral monitoring system at home” The 6th Asia Pacific Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering, Tsukuba, Japan, 2005

Application of independent component analysis (ICA) method to the Raman spectra processing(2005)

S. H. Chung, C. Park, K. S. Park, “Application of independent component analysis (ICA) method to the Raman spectra processing” Proceedings of SPIE 5702 Optical Diagnostics and Sensing V, p. 168-172, 2005

Analysis of the Raman spectra from human urine samples using the PLS and PCR methods

S Chung, C Park, K Park, "Analysis of the Raman spectra from human urine samples using the PLS and PCR methods", Optical Society of America, 2004

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